© 1985-1995 by Wheeler Arts. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. In purchasing this product you acquire the right to use these images in your creative works. However, the copyright on Quick Art prohibits the reproduction (offered, given, or sold) as a clip art collection in any media (paper or electronic) without the written permission of Wheeler Arts. If Quick Art is used on a commercial product, Wheeler Arts must be credited on the product as the copyright owner of those images. If Quick Art comprises 50% or more of a commercial product, additional royalties may be required. The copyright on Quick Art allows a single user to use their purchased copy in their office, home, or travel, as long as that piece of software is in use only on a single machine (dedicated computer) at any given time. ÒUseÓ means loading the software into RAM, as well as installation on a hard disk or other storage device (other than a network server). For information about prices for installing Quick Art on a network or a multi-user license, please contact: Wheeler Arts 66 Lake Park Champaign, Illinois 61821-7132 USA Ph 217/359-6816 Fax 217/359-8716 Thank you!